Raised Bed Mulch Layer Combo Units


Raised Bed Mulch Layer Combo Units

Micro-Combo Plastic Layer


Kennco’s Micro-Combo Plastic Layer will allow you to shape a raised bed and cover it with plastic in a single pass.

  • Can do many operations in one pass, saving time and labor.
  • Ideal for smaller tractor, smaller acreage.
  • Lighter weight, but durable steel construction
  • Various sizes and options available
  • Holds one roll of plastic

Standard row centers are available. Requires boats or press pan not included

Standard Sizes Available

  • Anywhere from 48″ – 96″; Row Center laying plastic mulch from 48″ to 96″ are standard.

Mini Combo Superbedder and Plastic Layer


Kennco’s Mini-Combo utilizes the tools of our standard superbedder on a smaller frame, and also includes a plastic mulch layer on the back to eliminate multiple passes in the field.

  • Various sizes and options available
  • Heavy duty steel construction
  • Seat for rider
  • Carries two rolls of plastic, for quick, on-the-go switching
  • Trailing arms
  • Sweeps soil from outside bed areas to maximize soil compaction

Standard Sizes Available

  • 36” to 96” row centers are standard on our mini-combo. Without press pan or accessories.



Our Combi-Superbedder is the ultimate combination machine and is unmatched by any other product on the market. You can pull and shape a solid planting bed, apply dry fertilizer, and lay plastic mulch on the bed at the same time.

  • Heavy duty steel construction
  • Options for fertilizer delivery
  • Shape your bed, fumigate, fertilize, lay drip tape, and lay plastic mulch all at once.
  • Customizable with options for customer needs

Custom row centers are available. Combination machines are heavier than superbedders and/or mulch layers.

Standard Sizes Available

  • 52″ to 96″ row centers are standard for the Combi-superbedder-mulch layer with or without 1300 lb (591 kg) hopper, without press pan.
We farm in the Southern Cape in South Africa. We are using a single row Kennco machine and plastic layer. We are doing strawberries on 60ha. Machines were imported three years ago and we recently imported another bedformer and plastic layer. It has changed our business in a great positive way.
Renier B., Professional Horticulture Consulting
The Kennco Plastic Mulch retriever cut my cost in half. It paid for itself after the first 200 acres, and will only increase my profit every acre, every year after that.
Jimmy Grainger, Grainger Farms
I've been a customer of theirs for at least 30 years. They always accommodate me when I have a need and another thing I like is their ability to change with the times and change with technology. I've had a great relationship with them and expect to in the future.
Alabama Tomato Farmer
Virginia C.